Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How To Store Cilantro

Cilantro or Fresh Coriander

This is one of my favorite everyday herbs. I use it so much that I have finally started growing a couple of pots of my own.

One of the problems with buying it at a store is that it never seems to keep for more than a few days. Twice a week -or more!- I was going back to buy another bundle.

"Fresh Coriander Or Cilantro Herb" by SOMMAI, courtesy of /

Fed up with that, I went on a mission to find out how to store this fragile, wonderful herb so that when I have more than I need (from the store) that it will last longer. Well, I went through about a dozen different experiments until I found the one that really works! It's easy and incredibly reliable. Now my stored cut cilantro lasts up to two weeks!

Here's what I do:  I bring the cilantro home and clip off the ends above the roots (or just a bit of the ends if the roots have already been clipped) and wash it or soak it in water until all of the dirt comes out. (There is a lot of dirt in cilantro before it's washed.) Once it's clean, I shake it really good and put it in the salad spinner or else roll it in paper towels until it is very dry, especially the leaves. Just don't let it sit out too long or it will still wilt.

Once the leaves are dry again, I plop the cut stems into a glass or jar of water and cover the whole thing loosely (not tied) with one of those thin plastic bags you get at the produce department and stick it in the fridge. I cover the top but do not tuck the bottom down or under the container, but let the bag hang lose around the bottom of the glass or jar so that air also gets in.

This will also save you $$$ over time if you use a lot of cilantro like I do and find that you need to buy it rather than grow your own.

Note: a little more dirt may drop into the water, so inspect before you use as you may need to rinse again.

Also, it's a good idea to change the water every few days and remove any dull leaves. But mostly this will keep so much longer and stay perfect until you need it in a dish!


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