Friday, June 3, 2011


Drum Roll Please

I am officially 1/3 the way through my revised, adapted, modified, TA Metamorphosis program.

I have lost 32 inches from top to ankle. 19 the first ten days, and, consistently, 6-1/2 on each of the next levels (2 and 3).

Ta Da!!!

What I love are Results!!!

What are your Results? Please share!



  1. What have you been doing? That's awesome that you are getting such great results!! I'm frustrated with TA metamorphosis right now. The first ten days I lost a couple inches off my thighs and waist, but have not lost weight. I am now two days from day 30 and have not lost any weight or any more inches. Help. Whats your advice? Are you doing the Dance cardio?

  2. Hi. I do a sort of abbreviated version of the TA Meta

    (I wrote a post about it here: )

    and my own healthy eating plan like I talk about on this blog.

    For me, it has to be do-able and sustainable. I think eating healthy should be easy, quick, and delicious.

    Also, the inches I count include from all over.

    What I find, so far, is that even doing partial exercises really does tighten. As far as the dance, I do my own which is more free-form continuous skipping and dancing for 30 minutes. The key point is continuous. I only work as hard as I feel up to during it.

    Hope that helps. Keep at it. Support helps too, so be sure to check in at the forum where there is incredible support from others or check in here too anytime.

  3. Thanks for the support and advice! Are you doing any other forms of cardio? I just can't get into the DC. I can handle about two days of it and then I'm just bored out of my mind. I love to run or do the eliptical machine. I started adding those forms of cardio back in cause I just wasn't seeing results. I'm thinking it's due to not doing enough cardio. I know Tracy frowns on doing any other form of cardio. Just wondering if you are doing anything else and still getting results? I totally agree with you on the healthy eating. It has to be something you can do for the rest of your life. I look at this like a lifestyle change, not a quick fix for a couple of months then back to bad habits. Been there, done that. Don't want to do that cycle anymore. Thanks again :)

  4. As far as cardio, just doing 30 minutes continuous will take you very far. In my own experience, I don't *have* to sweat and work hard, I just have to keep it continuous. I listen to my body and if I want to kick my heels up high and rock-it, I do, if I'm just not up to it, I just lightly jog, sometimes to the news or a TV program so I don't get bored.

    As far as other than that, when my body is feeling better, it LIKES to exercise more and tells me. So when I get the urge to move, I do. Lately, that means I take a leisurely three-mile walk(about 45 minutes). This often adds up to about 3 to 5 such walks a week. But I don't consider that my *required* time. It's just stress-reducing and my being more alive in the world.

    I think it's important to listen to your body and respect it when it's tired as well as when it needs to move more. Just like food, you have to check in with yourself and see what you are *really* hungry for.

    I hope that helps. Keep at it. And, if possible, try to *enjoy* the journey. It is, after all, YOUR journey and (in my humble opinion) it should be interesting and fun, and if you make it that, it will be easier than if you make it hard or un-enjoyable. I'm going to blog on that soon too, because I think it's an important point.

  5. Thank you so much. You are so wise :) You don't know how much you are helping me to stay motivated, I truly thank you for that. And you are so right, that it is MY journey and I need to make it fun. I have been so scared to do any other form of cardio, cause Tracy doesn't want us too. But I so enjoy running, and was getting a little depressed that I coudn't run or do other forms of cardio. The Dance Cardio is just not for me. I feel guilty when I do something else cause I don't want to mess up her program. I guess I just need to do what feels good for me :) I do check in on Tracy's Meta community everyday, it helps to also stay motivated. Thanks again.

  6. I LOVE that you enjoy running. To me, that is definitely a gift. You ENJOY doing something that's really, really good for you, that will keep you motivated, and that's going to give you the results that forcing yourself through a grueling form of 30 minutes of cardio–that you don't like–won't.

    If I were you, I'd run and really let the fun have at me. I'd stick with the mat work and either Tracy's or a lifestyle food plan (like I like :-D) or a combo.

    I'll bet you will have much more fun during the journey AND get the results you are after. Please check in and let me know. I'd love to hear that you're having fun and how things go from here too.

    And, this is perfect! See how smart your body is. This is the kind of moment when your own body and signals are the path to lighting you up and lightening you up. Sometimes resistance needs to be "worked through." But other times, it's a message from you to you about a better, more perfect for you way! Good job!

  7. Wow, your weight loss is amazing! I am just starting level 4 of hipcentric. I have no problems with the cardio or muscle work, it's the diet that's killing me!!! I tried her diet for about 8 days and then snapped. I have 3 kids and a husband to feed, I have a really hard time not eatting what they do.... What does your weekly diet look like??

  8. Sorry, I forgot to ask how many calories you consume in a day. Thanks for the inspiration!

  9. Hi Anon 1:38.
    I'm also on level 4, but I'm finding I need to be more flexible and creative with this level and am adapting it a LOT.

    My diet is explained in some of the posts on the blog. I find it is quite healthy and (important!) delicious, but also fast, easy, and with counting calories in mind. It's lean protein, fresh vegies and fruit AND flavor! Lots of flavor!

    Since you have a big family, you might want to try my spaghetti squash spaghetti. It's posted here:

    and it's yumm!

    If you cook a rice or potato to add for your family, most of my recipes will also work for them too.

    Let me know what you think!

  10. I'm sensible. I am 5' 6-1/2" and I aim for about 1200-1700 calories a day if I want to lose weight. I mix it up and have lighter dinners and bigger dinners too. (For goals, my range is 260-400 calories for my morning, 400* calories for lunch, 50-100 calories snack–if needed–and dinner can be anywhere between 400 and 800 calories.) (*400 calories for a meal sustains me much better than less than that and keeps me even, but *especially* important to me is protein at every meal.)
