Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Water Crystals and Vibrations in Food

There are some very interesting studies concerning water and how its structure changes when it is loved or appreciated.

According to the scientists involved, the structure of the water can go from a broken look to resembling snowflakes or crystals. And that that can change by how you behave around the water.

Today, as I was doing a food prep and cutting up my vegetables for my julienned vegetables and my carrot-parsnip-cinnamon recipes, (something I like to prep for the week about every other week), I was thinking about this and also about how my food prep time has become like a meditation for me.

It has come up again for me that food changes when it is loved. This may sound really out there, but I change when I am loved too.

I can't eat angry food. When my husband and I first got together, it was paramount that he understood that. You see, he is a great cook! But he also used to be prone to perfectionism and could become easily frustrated in the kitchen too. But when he got that way, I COULD NOT eat what he had served.

Likewise, when I have been in very healthy places where people love to cook and serve delicious, nutrient-rich, beautiful food, there has always been that feeling of something special in the ingredients.

I wonder what the molecules look like!


[Beautiful Photograph Above by: Mark Charles Langdon, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, courtesy of http://commons.wikimedia.org  /   http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Water_Crystals_on_Mercury_20Feb2010_CU1.jpg
His Description:
English: This is a photograph of water crystal growth on the window of my 1993 Mercury automobile, taken on the morning of February 20, 2010 with a Kodak M1063 digital camera. It shows a classic example of an emergent phenomenon in a physical system.]
[Web page from one of various studies and theories regarding water's spirituality and capacity to transform:


  1. That reminds me so much of that book/movie "Like Water for Chocolate" and how her love and pain went into her food and whatever she had been feeling while cooking would pass through her food and into her diners.....although, that being Magican Realism is a different thing but pretty much the same idea and I concur! :)

  2. Hi Heidi!
    Yes, it's like that I think,
    but wouldn't it be cool if it DID work like the Magical Realism in the movie too! (Fun!)
